Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Testing, testing, 1,2,3

Um.............. So it's been awhile (awkward rubbing of feet together and nervous glances). Is um, well, is anyone still there?

I know there's really no excuse for not posting in so long, but really life just got complicated, and uncomplicated, and complexing and then not so complexing, it was just a little crazy.

Bottom line, I am attempting to come back. Anybody interested? Can't say I really blame you if not, I mean it have been about three months since my last post and who knows when the next will be, STRIKE THAT, the next should be fairly soon. However, I am willing to concede I may have lost some of you along the way. Oh well.

In catch up news, Mr Cranky Pants and I have had a series of ridiculous, heart breaking, infuriating, stupid fights, that we have made up about, promised not to fight about again, and then have gone and gotten into another stupid fight. Current status: Both apologetic for the fight we got into this morning. And that has been our life as a couple in a nutshell.

On the work front, well I've had better jobs.... less perks, but definitely better jobs.

The Little Monster is now potty-trained, thank you very much, and now if we could just get her into her own bed things would really be looking good!
I am WAYYYYYYYYY behind in terms of projects.

And other than that and some other silliness, life goes on you know.

Ok, this is me promising to be better.... sort of, ok really I will try...........
