Monday, July 13, 2009

Oh Happy Day!

Thinking About: Decorating the Little Monster's Room
Current Mood: Content

Yup, that's right, I am very content today. No more depressed Mrs. R. Nope, she's been banished. Just happy go lucky Mrs. R singing along to "Love Song" in her office, hoping no one else can hear her, and tapping her toes to the music.

Just grooving............

Hmmm I just get into a weird funk sometimes, especially if I'm overwhelmed. It makes me all sad and tired, and it's hard to shake. But you know what, I had a great weekend, and got lots of rest, and just cleared my head.

Mr. Wonderful made another surprise appearance this weekend and let me sleep in on Saturday and Sunday; and also took the Little Monster out until late on Saturday night so I had even more time to lounge around and relax (although I was supposed to be cleaning....).

The Little Monster did a surprisingly wonderful thing yesterday by demanding she spend the night with her "weta "(wee-ta), or abuelita and wouldn't take no for an answer. She got dressed, put her shoes on, and told me to get her "packpack," aka backpack, "yuse," aka juice, and "cwar seat" into "weta's cwar." So we did it, we got her all ready, put her in the car, and fully expected her to freak out and want to stay with us as my mother in law pulled out of the driveway. Instead, she did the opposite. She contentedly watched her dvd, drank her juice, waved at us through the window, said "bye, miss you, love you" and that was that. Of course I immediately burst into tears, and cried for the next 20 (maybe I'm willing to truthfully admit 30-40) minutes, that my "baby" was gone, and it was her first sleep over, and the first time she had been away from us for the entire night. Obviously, it was much more traumatic for mommy, then baby. All reports this morning indicated that she had a great night, woke up in a great mood this morning, ate breakfast, and is busy playing with her cousin.

They grow up so fast.................. And I have a sinking feeling that this is one of many times I'm going to end up in tears as she continues to grow and amaze me. Sigh. Which is why getting overwhelmed comes easier than I'd like it to.

I think it's just easy as mothers, wives, daughters, friends to get so wrapped up in everything and everyone else, you just forget about you. I need that break, that step backward to just slow down. Let my thoughts rest, turn the little voice inside my head off, and do nothing.

Speaking of doing nothing, I have not gotten to any of the many sewing projects I wanted to do, and I don't think I'll be able to get to it this week either, as we are doing a major clean up in order to get ready to get some new furniture this weekend. The Little Monster got a "big girl" bed set, and we've been needing a new headboard and foot board for our bedroom, and a new couch for our family room, so we found a great deal at a local furniture store, qualified for financing (yay), and are anxiously awaiting the new arrivals. In the meantime, I had to totally clean out the Little Monster's room (our extra storage space), and empty out the old furniture which I'm giving to Mrs. S for the Little Brat. It's actually really good furniture, I've had it since I was a little girl!

Friday is also Mr. Wonderful's birthday and all the family is getting together for dinner, and then hanging out at our house Saturday. It should be fun, and maybe I can start my sewing projects then. I've got a ton of them to do!

I'm excited to see Mrs S too. We've been talking (and when I say talking, I mostly mean texting) about getting stressed out and overwhelmed lately, and how we should handle it and get over it, as if we could really get over it. (Hahaha)

We've concluded that we need to do the following:
1. Have more girl's nights out!
2. Pray more
3. Take deep breaths
4. Count.... ahhh counting.....
5. Don't sweat the small stuff (which, as a secret control freak, is ridiculously hard for me to do!)
6. Vent to each other
7. Laugh

We need to just laugh more often. What else is there when everything else goes wonky, but to just laugh.

Today is a great day. I am super excited to redecorate the Little Monster's Big Girl Room, and make it a a welcoming and safe haven for her to just relax, but more importantly, to give her a space that's really hers, and that she loves.

I'm hoping it's a great week..... I'll definitely keep you "posted."

Happy Monday to All!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Little Tenderness

"She may be weary,
Women do get weary, wearing the same shabby dress
And When she's weary, try a little tenderness

She may be waiting,
Just anticipating, things she may never possess
While she's without them
Try a little tenderness"

(Try A Little Tenderness, Michael Buble)

Well ladies, and gents that's how I've been feeling lately. And yes, you need to read between the lines in order to fully understand the beauty of the song. I am weary, I feel weighted down with all the inexplicable, unexplainable things that life throws at you. The last minute curve balls, that you never see coming.

It is a rather dour mood you find me in today. This morning I had news that my oldest cousin is in the ICU as his father could not wake him up this morning. He suffers from Myasthenia gravis, as his mother did, and also has some mental handicaps as well.

I feel rather depressed. Maybe it's too close together, losing my grandmother, and my cousin falling ill, too close together, and I find myself totally unprepared. Sometimes I feel lost amid the chaos of life, and I'm not sure what my next step will be, let alone where to put my foot.

I was texting Mrs. S this morning about how we need more romance in our lives. Actually, maybe just a little tenderness. Seriously....

Hmm... my mind is just wandering all over the place, and so is this post. I think I'll just sign off at this point, and leave you with the best part of the song............

"It's not just sentimental,
She has her grief and her cares,
But a word, so soft and gentle,
Makes it easier to bear

You won't regret it
Women don't forget it
Love is their whole happiness

And it's oh so easy
Try a little tenderness"

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A funeral and a flight

It has been forever since my last post, and in the span of forever, I'm sure you can guess a lot has gone on!

Sad news first--> my grandmother passed away on June 16th. She was 92 and had numerous heath ailments so we all knew it was coming, but it was still a pretty big shock.

The next day, on June 17th, my husband, daughter and I got on a plane to Portland, Oregon, to help my sister (let's call her the Flower) get moved into an apartment because she starts school on July 6th! Originally it was supposed to be my parents going with her but with my grandmother's passing we had to step in and pitch hit at the last possible minute.

Yes, it was a small tornado of activities to get ready in one day's notice, and something I hope I never have to do again! Also did I mention my sister's boyfriend came with us?

The flight to Portland was ok. We took a puddle hopper from one major international airport to another major international airport, which required going to a separate terminal via bus, which is really fun to do while carrying a sleeping child, her backpack, your own bag, and keeping an eye on your husband, your sister and her boyfriend so you all make it to the same destination at the same time without getting lost, and so that you don't wake up the sleeping monster, and also so that the two lovebirds don't have time to find a spot to ahem, err, "nest" if you catch my drift. The flight from second said international airport to Portland much better, seeing as how we didn't have to walk onto the tarmac to get to the plane.

Getting the Flower moved in was Ok. It could have been much better, faster, and easier if her boyfriend had not been present. What else can you expect from two teenagers that are so desperately in love that one of them had to come and move the other one into their school apartment, other than absolute ridiculousness. They were soooo distracted, and sooooo wrapped up in themselves and their own little world, getting them to do anything was like getting my two year old to put her clothes on in the morning--- basically impossible. In the end, my husband, my poor Mr. Cranky Pants and I did the majority of the work while resisting the urge to throw both kids over the balcony.

After the Flower's boyfriend left, we all settled in a bit more, and really enjoyed Portland. It is so beautiful there! I would love to go back.

We flew back home on Saturday, this time non-stop and that was fun and easy. Since we've been back I've had a million things to do to get our lives back in order, and you know what, I haven't done one of them! Hahahaha. Ok but seriously I haven't. Just can't bring myself to do it, call it just got back from a last minute non vacation and I don't know what to do know itis.

I do have to got to work though, and as of Tuesday I lost my babysitters.... so the little monster has come with me to the office, which is ok since there's only three of us here anyway. She's been about as helpful as a two year old can be.

In other news, Mrs. S and family are coming to stay this weekend, and it will be so nice to catch up and have some fun! We're going to the fair!

Also, Happy Fourth of July!

Phew.... that's about as much catch up as I can come up with for today, back to our regularly scheduled programming tomorrow!

Mrs. R
